关于社区中心周日活动迁址至Trumpington Meadows小学的调查


端午佳节之际,我们华人社区迎来了又一次发展的契机。我们有把社区搬到另外一个新学校 (Trumpington Meadows Primary School)的计划。

随着中心规模日益扩大,现在我们在 Queen Edith Primary School 小学的活动基地显得规模稍微有点小。周日几个班同时开课的时候使用空间有点冲突,需要占用走廊和厨房。小朋友的活动空间也不是很大。我们与 Queen Edith Primary School 有过这方面的沟通,但是没有对使用另外的房间达成一致。

有鉴于此,我们联系了一下 Trumpington Meadows Primary School。这是个新学校,有一个大厅,一个规模比较大的会议室,有单独的厨房和储物间,还有封闭的儿童娱乐区等等,可以有效解决我们现在几个班同时开课的需要,也可以给小朋友们更多的活动空间。另外停车场可以容纳超过 20 辆车,周日也有公交车,交通比较方便。

可是搬到新学校可能会给有些住在 Cherry Hinton 附近的朋友造成不便。因此我们举办一个调查,看看大家的意见。如果有任何问题和建议,请在 6 月 1 日之前给于我们回复。如果确定搬迁的话,我们需要尽快与 Trumpington Meadows Primary School 确定租用合同以防意外。

Dear Members,

The Cambridge Chinese Community Centre has the opportunity to move to a new venue – Trumpington Meadows Primary School. This is partly due to the present school (Queen Edith Primary School) being reluctant to give us a longer secured contract term and there have been some communication problems recently regarding additional space when needed. As our numbers are growing with the variety of classes we need to ensure that we can accommodate everyone in comfortable and modern surroundings.

The new venue offers clean modern facilities which include a large hall, a reasonable size meeting room, the use of the kitchen for key volunteers, a reasonable size storage facility, modern clean toilets and some enclosed play/rest area for the children and adults. There is also a good size reception area that could be a useful space.

All the play areas within the school ground are enclosed and safely tucked away from any major roads. There is also a public enclosed safe play area with high fence just outside the school where children could play under suitable adult supervision. A good size car parking area is situated nearby and can accommodate more than 20 cars.

There is an excellent bus service running from the city centre, even on a Sunday. It’s just a short walk from the Trumpington bus stop past the Waitrose supermarket.

Everyone who has seen this venue thinks this would make a great new Centre for us: however the committee feels it should inform all members to see if this new location would cause a problem to anyone. Please contact the secretary if you have any worries about this proposed move. We have to move fast to secure this fine venue so please let us know by 1st June 2016.