Notice of AGM – 12 June 2016

There will be an Annual General Meeting at the Cambridge Chinese Community Centre on the 12 June in the Community Centre at Queen Edith Primary School, Godwin Way, Cambridge, CB1 8QP

The meeting will commence at 2pm with a presentation of a Report and Accounts for the last year. This will be followed by the election of trustees in accordance with our Constitution.

We therefore invite nominations from all Community Centre members for the following committee posts: Honorary Officers:

1 – Chairman 2 – Treasurer 3 – Secretary 4 – Executive Committee members/trustees

Nominations for these positions may be limited depending on how many nominations are received for this position.

Closing date for receipt of Nominations shall be 3 weeks prior to the AGM, Sunday 22nd May 2016 If there are more nominations than positions available for any of the above, there will be an election to allow members to vote. Voting for Honorary Officers will be by ‘ballot paper’ and for the Executive Committee by ‘show of hands’

All nominated members will be contacted after receipt of nominations to confirm that they are willing to be considered for the post. Those nominated for Honorary Officer positions will also be asked to prepare a short presentation of ideas, ideals and skills that they could bring to the position for the benefit of the Chinese Community in Cambridge.

Please send your nominations on the attached nomination document to . Alternatively, deliver by hand to the acting secretary John Cheung who can be found at the Community Centre every Sunday, 11am to 5pm.

Cambridge Chinese Community Centre Date : ……………… I hereby nominate ……………………………………… for the position of ……………………………………………….. (please select one position from Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary or Committee member) I am a fully paid up member of the Cambridge Chinese Community Centre Membership Membership Card Number ………………………………….

Signature ……………………………………….

Nominations must be received by the secretary before the 22nd May 2016 Send by email to the address given above or deliver by hand to John Cheung at the weekly Sunday meeting in the Queen Edith School, Godwin Way, Cambridge CB1 8QP