2018Cambridge Chinese Community Centre BBQ update

The BBQ has got more and more support. Cambridge Chinese restaurant Orchid will prepare their famous lamp skewers. They will cook the skewers on site. You cannot afford miss the opportunity. 

After successfully organising the first Cambridge Chinese Football Competition last year, we will have it again. Welcome to join us.

Andy Tse announced the setup of CCCC football team in 2016 Mid-Autumn Festival 

Cambridge Chinese Foot ball team has had over 10 years history. It has two team: CUCE&CCCC). The team does exercise every week and attend all sorts of competitions. 

Cambridge Chinese Foot Ball Team

Deputy Mayor delivered award to the team last year

Please contact Andy if you are interested in this year’s competition.

We will update the BBQ sponsor list regularly:


个人赞助谢耀林 张合有

您若有兴趣协办或者赞助活动,请联系活动负责人尚士博: 微信:shiboshang 电话:07876022088


活动时间:2018 年9月16日 11:00 – 16:00(食物供应12:00 – 15:00)

活动地点:Milton Country Park, Cambridge, CB24 6AZ

票价:成人 8 镑,儿童(3-10岁) 4 镑




1 唯乐吃中超,47 High street, Cherry Hinton, CB1 9HX

2 兰餐厅, 70 Newmarket Road, CB5 8DZ

3 茶馆,11 Napier Street, CB1 1HR

4 众一品,21 Burleigh St, Cambridge CB1 1DG

5 港厨,12 St. Johns Street, Cambridge CB2 1TW



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