Enter the dragon: Cambridge celebrates Chinese boat festival in summer sunshine

http://www.cambridge-news.co.uk/news/cambridge-news/enter-dragon-cambridge-celebrates-chinese-13103092 Dragons descended on the River Cam for a major festival in the Chinese calendar. The Dragon Boat Festival left from Jesus Green on Saturday morning (May 27), with teams from around the country racing down the Cam. Organiser Andy Tse, from the Cambridge Chinese Community Centre, said: “We’re delighted with the turnout today. I’d

2017 Cambridge Chinese Dragon Boat Festival

The Dragon Boat Festival has more than 2000 years of history and is one of the more important traditional festivals in China. Last year several Cambridge Chinese organisations celebrated this Chinese Festival for the first time in many years. This colourful event, held on the river near Jesus Green was a great success attracting many

The Lantern Festival Charity Dinner

The Lantern Festival  is the first important festival after the Spring Festival. The lunar January fifteen is known as the Lantern Festival.  Cambridge Chinese Community Centre associating with Nines Global Buffet, will have a charity dinner to celebrate the festival.  In the dinner ticket is not only cheaper than the normal price but also Nines

The hard works behind the scene: volunteers

A sucessful big event cannot be organised with hundrens of voulunteers hard work. Let us have a look at those who were working hard behind the scene. You may do not know that the whole venue was decorated and all lucky bags were prepared in the day before.   2. Look at our Program! 3. All

(中文) 英国剑桥华人社区春晚喜庆温暖-新华社报道中心春节活动

新华社伦敦9月18日电(记者邓茜)英国剑桥华人社区18日举办中国传统节日庆祝活动,市长杰里米·本斯特出席活动并表示,剑桥华人社区在当地繁荣发展,在很好地融入当地社会的同时,保持着自身的文化特色,对当地发展作出重要贡献。 中国大使馆领事部副主任尚晓峰在活动中说,今年是中英关系“黄金时代”的开局之年,明年将迎来两国建立大使级外交关系45周年,中英关系发展潜力巨大,希望广大侨胞能够抓住这一良好机遇更好地融入当地主流,更好地传播中国文化,更好地为中英关系发展作出贡献。 剑桥华人社区中心主席孙伟对新华社记者表示,华人是剑桥最大的少数民族族裔,近年来人口保持迅速增长,在当地影响力日益扩大。华人在当地的就业也早已超越餐饮等传统行业,越来越多地跻身于社会各行各业,积极参与当地社会发展,社会地位不断提高。 在当天的活动上,剑桥警察局还首次启动华人警察和志愿者招募活动,以便更好地参与当地治安合作,保护华人的合法权益。(完) http://m.cn.apdnews.com/XinHuaNews/491941.html