Welcome to Family Learning Festival on this Sunday

【Time】13:00 – 16:00, October 30th, 2016 【Venue】Trumpington Meadows Primary School, Kestrel Rise, Cambridge CB2 9AY 【To register】https://goo.gl/forms/T1vRl5CnrweiVajH3  (please click ‘read more’ to open the link directly) 【Price】 Free!!! The Family Learning festival is the biggest annual event of this type in  Britain,aiming to encourage the whole family to learn together. After  successfully organizing the event

Traditional Chinese Puppet Show

The traditional Chinese puppet show is, alongside Sanskrit and Ancient Greek, one of the worlds three ancient performance arts. It has more than 2000 years history, and has been listed as a national cultural heritage in China since 2006. The Chinese Puppet Show breaks down borders, as there is no language barrier to enjoyment. Its

BBQ Get-Together–Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration

Mid-Autumn Festival, which falls on the 15th of the 8th month on the lunar calendar, is a Chinese holiday when Chinese all over the world gather with their families to admire the fullest and roundest moon and to taste moon cakes and other Chinese delicacies. To celebrate the upcoming Mid-Autumn Festival Cambridge Chinese Community Centre


剑桥华人社区中心将于6月26日开办首期“健身气功·八段锦“初级培训班。 现代社会给人类带来方便舒适的同时,也带来了各种各样的压力。人们的工作和生活节奏越来越快,现代工作和生活方式对人们的身心健康带来的潜在风险也在增加,例如患心血管疾病,内分泌功能失调,遭受肩颈椎病痛的折磨等,已呈现出越来越年轻化的趋势。这是现代社会对现代人生活质量的挑战。如何面对这一挑战,缓压解压,实现身心健康生活的美好愿望,已引起人们越来越多的关注。 健身气功,是以健身为目的,以自身形体活动与呼吸吐纳,心理调节相结合为主要运动形式的中华民族传统体育项目。它使练功者能够自主调控自身全部的操作性有氧运动,坚持习练使其身心状态趋向于调身,调息,调心的状态,从而有助于缓压解压,达到健身的目的。 健身气功功法之一“八段锦“ 将中医原理和古典养生思想贯于其中,功法操练顺序和运动强度符合现代运动生理学规律。全套动作从上到下对人体的脏腑器官和筋骨进行了全面的梳理,具有柔和缓慢,圆活连贯;松紧结合,动静相兼;神与形和,气寓其中的独到特点。由中国国家体育总局组织对200名45-70岁中老年参加”八段锦“练习的教学试验已证明,习练“健身气功·八段锦“对呼吸系统功能,上下肢力量,平衡能力,关节及神经系统灵活性有明显提高:对心血管功能状态,骨质疏松,免疫力,心理健康都有不同程度改善效果。 剑桥华人社区中心计划在剑桥华人中推广和普及健身气功,为剑桥华人身心健康提供帮助和服务。中心将根据需求和条件举办系列健身气功培训班,如八段锦,易筋经,五禽戏等。 首期举办的““健身气功·八段锦“初级培训班将于6月26日-7月31日开班,每周日下午13:00-14:00,地点在剑桥华人社区中心活动中心,共6次(免费)。国兰老师精心准备了培训大纲,如下图所示: 诚挚欢迎更多的剑桥华人参加到健身气功习练中来!

Cambridge Chinese Community Centre Attended Dragon Boat Racing Yesterday

With the upcoming Chinese traditional “dragon boat” festival, a race of dragon boats took place successfully yesterday in Cambridge on the Cam river alongside Jesus Green and the lower part of Midsummer Common, which was organised by Cambridge Chinese Association, Cambridge Chinese Community Centre, CSSA and other Chinese organisations. The activity showed to the local